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Berry Nutty Overnight Oats Made with Eastern Shore Honey

Berry Nutty Overnight Oats Made with Eastern Shore Honey

Feel like skipping breakfast to save time in the morning? Our Berry Nutty Overnight Oats recipe allows you to get your beauty sleep and enjoy a filling morning meal to keep you energized throughout your day.

jar of overnight oats with fresh blueberries

Chock full of blueberries, cashews, and Bee Inspired Honey, this oatmeal is filled with vitamins and minerals that over-processed instant oats are lacking, and it’s definitely not skipping out on flavor!

This recipe is an excellent idea for the summertime! You don’t need to turn on your stovetop to cook the oats, so your kitchen will stay nice and cool. Refrigerating the oats overnight will blend the flavors of the ingredients so come morning, you will have a sweet and nutritious treat.

Not only do oats give you several essential vitamins and minerals, but they also help to lower your harmful cholesterol levels. Eating whole grains is also necessary for good digestion, and oats are a perfect addition to your diet. Oats are even suitable for people with celiac, as they don’t contain gluten that causes allergic reactions.

Blueberry honey with fresh blueberries and baking ingredients

Make these overnight oats with Blueberry Blossom Honey for a rich, buttery sweetness

How to Make Berry Nutty Overnight Oats

  • Add the banana, blueberries, nuts, honey, and milk to a blender, and blend until smooth.
  • Empty into a mixing bowl. Fold in oats, chia, and flax seeds.
  • Spoon into Weck Ball jar, or ramekins. Fill to the top.
  • Top with cocoa nibs or fresh fruit.
  • Leave in the fridge overnight to enjoy in the morning.

Adapting our Berry Nutty Overnight Oats Recipe

A recipe is not truly perfect until you’ve added your touch to it. That’s why we encourage you to play with your food. Call your inner chef to come out and play and change up this recipe. Here are some ideas:

  • Mix in a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter
  • Blend in other seasonal berries
  • Add a tablespoon of fresh chopped mint
  • Top with a tablespoon of cocoa nibs
  • Drizzle with Mixed Berry Honey for an added, jammy sweetness

Suppose you decide to make these Berry Nutty Overnight Oats, any variation we’ve suggested, or your take. Why not share a photo with us using #beeinspired on Instagram? We love seeing your photos!

If you love blueberries, we have a bunch more blueberry recipes on our blog as well!


"Berry Nutty Overnight Oats" with a jar of overnight oats with blueberries

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara