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Best Flowers to Grow in Maryland: A Guide to Maryland Wildflowers

Best Flowers to Grow in Maryland: A Guide to Maryland Wildflowers

Welcome to our farm, a place of natural beauty and ecological diversity. We take pride in our approach to sustainable agriculture, which includes leaving a significant portion of our land untouched and allowing native plants to flourish. Just about half of our farm is dedicated to wildflowers, which are not only pleasing to the eye but essential to the health of our communities. Our honeybees rely on these plants to produce the delicious, all-natural Eastern Shore Honey that our customers love. In this blog post, we invite you to explore the vibrant world of native Maryland wildflowers and discover why they are so important to our farm and the environment. To share this colorful paradise with you, we’re publishing our Eastern Shore Life series over the coming weeks, showcasing the beauty of a Maryland garden.

Eastern Shore Native Plants and Wildflowers Galore

Indigenous wildflowers are the primary food source for our hives of bees and the wild pollinators on the farm. Over the years, we’ve gradually added native Maryland Wildflowers to our land to increase the biodiversity of the area. The Eastern Shore of Maryland is home to an incredible variety of wildflowers, many of which have unique medicinal and ecological properties. For centuries, native plants have played a crucial role in the lives of indigenous people, who used them for food, shelter, and medicine. Today, these plants continue to benefit the environment, providing homes and food for wildlife, purifying the air and water, and supporting the health of ecosystems.

Greenspring Harvest Wildflower honey next to wildflowers

Our Greenspring Wildflower Honey is harvested right down the street from our store by a local beekeeper!

When you visit our farm, you’ll see a patchwork of colors and textures that range from soft blues and purples to vibrant oranges and yellows. Some of the most common wildflowers on our farm are Black-Eyed Susans, Coneflowers, Butterfly Weed, and Goldenrod. These plants attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and moths, which help fertilize other flowers and crops. The Black-Eyed Susan, in particular, is an attractive and beneficial plant that supports various wildlife species, including birds and smaller mammals, and serves as a host plant for the Silvery Checkerspot butterfly caterpillar.

Field of wildflowers at Chesterhaven farm

Vervain plants grow tall and proud, producing little bundles of bright purple flowers that float over the grasses in our fields.

Vervain plants growing nearby beehive boxes

Bee balm, daisies, rudbeckia, and milkweeds are just some of the plants on the farm. These give a blanket of color from early spring until mid-fall and provide all of the food our bees need to make our Spring and Autumn Honey. Some plants, like these coneflowers, will produce seed heads that last through the winter as bird food. The seasonal bloom of these wildflowers ensures a continuous supply of nectar and pollen for our pollinators.

Vibrant pink and orange coneflowers

Here, a pokeweed plant grows in a section of our meadow. Pokeweed is a dangerously poisonous plant to humans, but the berries provide a large source of food for birds and small animals like mice. The plants are very colorful, with bright magenta stems and spires of green berries that will turn a dark purple-black come late summer.

Pokeweed plants in a field at Chesterhaven farm

Bee balm has spread like wildfire in our fields. Our plants have lavender flowers, although you can find varieties with blooms in shades of red, pink, and purple. Bee balm has fragrant leaves and can be used in teas, like its herbal relative mint. For optimal growth, many of these wildflowers, including bee balm, require full sun and well-drained soil.

As you wander through our wildflower fields, you’ll notice the varied shapes and sizes of the plants. Some grow tall and upright, while others hug the ground or form clusters. Each plant has a unique profile that reflects its specific adaptations to the local climate and soil conditions. For example, milkweeds have long, narrow leaves that help them retain moisture during hot, dry summers, while asters have bright, daisy-like flowers that attract insects. You’ll also notice that many of these plants have distinct fragrances that fill the air with a sweet, pungent scent. Take a moment to pause and inhale deeply, and you’ll feel invigorated and refreshed. The flower form of these wildflowers adds aesthetic value to our garden, embodying the essence of summer.

purple flowers with green stems in a field
Bergamot on Chesterhaven Beach Farm

At our farm, we are committed to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of our local environment. That’s why we take care to cultivate our wildflower fields in a way that promotes biodiversity and sustainability. We use organic, no-till farming practices that avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, allowing our plants to thrive naturally. We also work closely with local conservation organizations to protect and restore critical habitats and waterways. By supporting our farm, you are helping to protect the environment, support local agriculture, and promote healthy communities. The blooming periods of different wildflowers play a crucial role in supporting pollinators throughout the year.
sunflower honey on sunflowers

Some types of sunflowers are native to Maryland, and Sunflower Honey is delicious!

Growing Your Own Perennial Plants and Wildflowers

It is really a breeze to grow wildflowers. They require no fertilizers or pesticides, and thrive on neglect-after all, ours evolved to survive the conditions of North America. Wherever you live, make sure you water your plants once a week until they establish themselves. Although they are hardy, newly planted flowers can dry out in the heat of their first summer. To find which native wildflowers will grow best in your region, visit American Meadows for more information on planting, growing, and tending to your garden.

Honey lip balm on a rock

If you love sustainability and being eco-conscious, you'll love our Plastic-Free Honey Lip Balm! Made with a casing of plant cellulose and organic ingredients.

Planting nectar-producing plants is crucial for attracting and supporting various pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

Perennial plants provide continuous blooms throughout the year and are essential for supporting pollinators like honey bees.

Yellow butterfly on lavender plant

Lavender growing on Chesterhaven Beach Farm

We hope you’ve enjoyed this glimpse into the vibrant world of native Maryland wildflowers. As you can see, these plants are not only beautiful but essential to the health and wellbeing of our planet. We encourage you to take a closer look at the plants and ecosystems around you and to support local farmers who are working hard to preserve and enhance the natural world. Generating new plants from desirable perennials by allowing them to go to seed can be beneficial for self-seeding, attracting wildlife, reducing disease risk, and improving the appearance of the garden. When you choose our Eastern Shore Honey, you can feel confident that you are making a positive impact on the environment and supporting sustainable agriculture. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to sharing more about our Eastern Shore Life series in the coming weeks.

"Growing the Best Maryland Flowers" with a field of black-eyed susans

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara