Our Philosophy on Self-Care
We all know the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
And some of us know the Platinum Rule: “Do unto others as they'd want done unto them.”
We propose the Queen Bee's Rule: “Do onto yourself as you would (and probably always) do for others.”
You are always looking out for others – in your family, your community, your workplace, your customers, your clients, your friends. You tune into what they need – even when they do not recognize it themselves. That’s our exact philosophy on self-care. Self-care is using that same amazing skill for yourself. Tuning into what you need to thrive – even when you aren’t consciously thinking about it – or making time to do it.
Self-care starts inside of you – it’s your amazing intuition. Self-care is listening to the voice that knows you. The foundation of self-care is an unshakeable commitment to embrace your life and make the choices that satisfy your deepest mind and body natural wisdom.
How do bees inspire that? Bees provide us a great example in their social structure. The hive organizes, works, and thrives by taking direction from the secretion of their own pheromones. In layman’s terms, they listen to the signals that their bodies send. We can do the same! Often we dismiss those signals – that we need to rest, we need to slow down, we need to nourish our bodies with healthy food. We delay, put other tasks and people before our own signals. We either hit our wall or feel so guilty about what we SHOULD be doing, that we do some short-shrift effort of 30 seconds of deep breathing, lighting a scented candle, having a glass of wine. When that doesn’t work for longer than the time it takes to complete, we feel even more frustrated.

Rather than think that “self-care” products equal self-care, we like to use healthy products as a visual [tactile, real life, natural] reminder of what our minds and bodies crave.
When you sense that a gentle exfoliation is just what you need, treat yourself. Your skin and your spirit will thank you. You are acknowledging and responding to your need to pause and refresh.
When you taste a spoonful of honey, you are acknowledging and responding to your need for nutrition and natural nourishment. It’s much easier to follow that spoonful with more good-for-you bites.
Your body signals these needs with healthy cravings and your response – just like the intuitive bee response, satisfies and ups your thrive index.
Because sometimes we all need a little extra push toward the good, we make our packaging beautiful and offer Kara’s art to spark the recognition of your mind and body for beauty in your life – as part of the self-care and sustainability you require and deserve. When you instinctively appreciate a Bee Inspired product, we have succeeded. When you follow your instincts and care for yourself as a result, you have succeeded.
Just as you choose healthy, thoughtful, beautiful gifts and giving to others, self-care is providing those same things to yourself. It all starts with that mystical intuition, the deep knowledge that comes from observing, caring, imagining, and love.
You do it so naturally for others. Use those skills for yourself.