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Exfoliating with Honey Body Scrub

Why Exfoliate?

Exfoliating your skin is one of the essential steps in any skincare routine. Exfoliation removes dry, dead cells on the skin’s outer surface. So why exfoliate? For healthy skin. Your body has an innate ability to regenerate cells every 21 days or so, and gently assisting in the process leads to glowing, healthy skin. By removing dead skin cells and speeding up the renewal process, your complexion will look brighter, smoother, and more vibrant.

Boost circulation and unclog pores.

Not only does exfoliation physically remove dull or dry patches from the surface of your skin. Exfoliation can also help to reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, by increasing collagen production. It can even help to lighten dark spots caused by hyperpigmentation or sun damage.

Benefits of Regular Exfoliation

Exfoliating is essential to any skincare routine if you want glowing, healthy skin. Regular exfoliation can give you a more youthful complexion with an even tone and texture. Additionally, when you remove dead skin cells from your skin’s surface, you allow for better absorption of other products, including moisturizers, serums, and oils that can penetrate deeper into the layers of your skin for added hydration and nourishment.

Regularly Exfoliating:

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, leaving skin soft and supple.
  • Assists in removing dead cells to make room for new skin
  • Brightens the appearance of skin
  • It helps promote good health.
A dry brush being used on the legs in a bath tub

Dry Brushing helps with exfoliation:

  • Dry brushing skin is another way to exfoliate the skin gently. To promote good health from head to toe by improving blood flow and to assist in removing dry, dead skin.

Removing dead skin cells prepares the skin to receive moisture.

Organic sugar and honey crystals are typical ingredients in all our scrubs that do the bulk of the scrubbing action. Both provide the right amount of exfoliation for the skin. Not too hard, not too light. Other ingredients supporting exfoliation include salt, berry seeds, tea leaves, clay, walnut shells, powdered pumice, and coffee grounds.

The natural oils in our facial oil and body scrubs are easily absorbed, leaving your skin nourished, soft, and beautiful.

Powerful Powders

You’d be surprised that finely ground powder can provide a gentle buff and polish and offer other health benefits. Many powders, like cocoa, contain antioxidants that help slow down the signs of aging.

Our original honey scrub is crystallized honey. Kara found that her skin felt soft and moisturized when she used it on her face and body. With the help of chemists and expert formulators, we created a line of scrubs to exfoliate the skin gently.

Our Rose Clay Mask, Clarity, is a dry mask for the face and body that can be mixed with water, honey, fruit juice, milk, or yogurt, based on your skin type and various skin conditions. The mask provides detoxification while gently exfoliating, leaving your skin incredibly clean and smooth.

Green tea powder is anti-bacterial and aids with the prevention of acne. It also contains the antioxidant oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) that help heal damaged skin cells. Green tea leaves are abrasive and help rid the skin of toxins.

Our Sea and Tea Mask contains sea kelp, green tea, oats, and other ingredients that support facial and body exfoliation in a gentle but beneficial fashion.

Natural Exfoliants

Coffee offers a tremendous wake-up call to the skin. Like cocoa, coffee contains caffeine that is thought to help battle cellulite by tackling the water in the fat layers of the skin. Watch for seeds and other added goodies in our product descriptions as you get to know our product line. Exfoliate with care and track beautiful results. Give your skin a buzz with Grounded Honey Body Scrub. Of all our scrubs, coffee offers the most vigorous exfoliant action, and we do not recommend using it on the face.

Haute Cocoa Mask being applied with a makeup brush

Exfoliation Happens Naturally.

The skin is the largest organ in our body, and one of the skin’s primary functions is to protect from infections and germs. If you are in good health, your body has an innate ability to produce new cells continually. Think of the top layer of skin as a strong layer of healthy cells that blanket the skin and protect unexposed cells.

Every 30-40 days, the cells “turn” and break down, revealing a new fresh layer of skin.

Exfoliation removes dry, dead cells on the skin’s outer surface. So why exfoliate? For healthy skin. Your body has an innate ability to regenerate cells every 21 days or so; gently assisting in the process leads to glowing, healthy skin. There are many ways to exfoliate if you have sensitive skin. By removing dead skin cells and speeding up the renewal process, your complexion will look brighter, smoother, and more vibrant.

Out With The Old, in With the New!

As we age, natural skin cell turnover slows and may take up to 90 days to complete—gentle exfoliation is most important as the skin ages. Regardless of age, picture self-exfoliation is assistive to the natural process of cell regeneration, moving out the old cells to make way for the new.

It’s important to be gentle with the skin when exfoliating—use soft circular motions and avoid scrubbing harshly, which can lead to inflammation. If you have sensitive skin, try a gentler product that suits your needs, such as our 100% plant-based Sugar Scrub Sea+Tea, made with organic cane sugar crystals—it buffs away dead cells without stripping vital moisture from delicate complexions for radiantly smooth younger-looking skin at any age! For more easy tips on how to exfoliate with a body scrub check out our blog post that will help guide you to smoother and brighter skin!

Now that you know why you should be exfoliating, get started! Your skin will thank you and reward you in the process.

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara