Honey Strawberry Jam

Honey Strawberry Jam

This Honey Strawberry Jam recipe is a fantastic way to use and store the summer strawberry harvest. Homemade strawberry jam is a perfect way to use up leftover fruit and make it last throughout the year! Alternatively, you can make freezer jam to preserve the freshness and natural goodness of the strawberries without cooking them. Open up a jar of summer sunshine in the dead of winter. This is exactly the reason why jam was invented.

Using fresh fruit in the recipe ensures the best flavor and natural sweetness. Sweet strawberries, especially when fresh-picked, offer superior sweetness compared to store-bought ones.

Woman holding strawberry jam with apron

Strawberry jam made with honey in traditional homemade packaging

The History of Strawberry Honey Jam

Once upon a time, long ago, before electricity and niceties like refrigerators, the only way you could enjoy fruit during the winter months was by preserving fruits when they became ripe during the warm months of the year. Fruit jam was a common method of preserving fruits. And interesting to note is that raw honey was the preservative system of choice by the Greeks, who used honey to preserve quince, a fruit that appears to be a cross between a pear and an apple. Modern recipes often replace white sugar with honey for a healthier option. A simple homemade jam recipe can bring great satisfaction and taste, making it a delightful alternative to store-bought options.

This strawberry jam recipe is perfect for on toast and muffins and would even be great to sandwich between the layers of a homemade cake or strawberry scones. Using our Eastern Shore Honey makes this jam even sweeter and eliminates the need for refined sugars that are unhealthy for you and the environment.

Woman in apron putting strawberry jam onto french bread in front of table with fresh strawberries and cheese and a cutting board

Fresh Honey Strawberry Jam on bread

I was delighted to see a naturally paleo, gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free jam recipe that is also low in sugar. This recipe preserves all of the flavors of strawberries without the need for lots of added sugars or artificial ingredients.

Organic, home-grown berries would be the best for this recipe, as it is very difficult to remove pesticides from strawberries. Check out our blog post to read up on growing strawberries. If you can’t grow your own at home, find them locally from a farmer’s market or a neighbor. Other berries would make a great addition to this jam. Blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries would all be excellent to mix in!

Honey Strawberry Jam in Ball Jar with jute rope bow around neck surrounded by fresh strawberries

How to make strawberry jam with honey

It’s easy to make this honey sweetened strawberry jam recipe, also known as strawberry honey jam. Using fresh picked fruit is ideal for making the jam. Let’s take a look at the list of ingredients you’ll need:

  • Fresh strawberries

  • Fresh raspberries

  • Bee Inspired Honey

  • fresh-squeezed lemon juice

  • orange zest

  • lemon zest (optional)

If fresh strawberries are not available, you can use frozen strawberries. Thaw them before use and follow the same steps as with fresh fruit.

Keep in mind that honey sweetened jam may not be as sweet as traditional jams but is a healthier option.

These ingredients come together quickly and easily! You’ll also need to have glass mason jars on-hand and follow the manufacturer’s directions on the best ways to prepare the glass for the strawberry jam.

During the cooking process, it is important to bring the mixture to a rolling boil. This ensures the jam thickens properly.

Step 1: Prepare the berries with lemon juice

Put berries in a heavy-bottom saucepan and smash them using a potato masher. The first step in jam making is to prepare the berries. Add lemon juice, honey, and orange zest, then heat over medium heat. Bring to a low boil and cook berries until thick. Allow cooking for up to 45 minutes, frequently stirring to avoid scorching. Remove any foam. These steps can also be used to prepare strawberry freezer jam for long-term preservation.

Step 2: Test the jam

To test the readiness of the hot jam, you can place a small amount on a chilled plate and check if it holds its shape without running.

You can also put some of the jam on a clean spoon and then put the spoon on a plate in the freezer. Let it sit there for five minutes, and then take it out. If the jam doesn’t fall easily off the spoon when you turn it to the side, it’s ready, and you can take the pot off the heat. If it does pour off easily, continue cooking for another 5 minutes and try the test again until the jam thickens to the desired consistency.

Step 3: Bottle the jam

Transfer the homemade strawberry jam to hot sterile jars, leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch headspace, and seal. Process the hot jars in a water bath. If the jam will be eaten immediately, don’t bother with processing, and refrigerate.

Adapting our Honey Sweetened Strawberry Jam Recipe

Most jam recipes can be adapted to suit your taste, and this one is no different. For those who prefer making smaller quantities, this small batch strawberry jam is perfect, offering convenience and satisfaction with just a few simple ingredients and a short cooking time. A recipe is not perfect until you’ve added your touch. That’s why we encourage you to play with your food. Let your inner chef come out and play and change up this recipe. Here are some ideas:

  • Use different combinations of berries

  • Use cherries or peaches for a lower glycemic index

  • Swap out orange zest for lemon or lime zest

  • Try orange juice instead of lemon juice

  • Use blackberry or orange blossom honey to add a depth of flavor.

Need ideas on unique ways to use this jam?

I know that I am guilty of opening a jar of jam for biscuits, and three years later, I throw it out when I realize something similar to a science project is growing inside the jar. You can get creative with this strawberry jam spread to use it up before it turns on you. Try some of these ideas.

Before using the jam in different recipes, it is important to let the jam cool for about 30 minutes after removing it from the heat.

Fresh picked strawberries up close from tide and thyme


"Homemade Honey Strawberry Jam beeinspiredgoods.com" a jar of red jam with strawberries in the background

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara