National Kale Day|All Hail Kale

National Kale Day|All Hail Kale

It's National Kale Day, and we were hoping you could celebrate this fantastic and easy-to-grow, brain-boosting veggie. Kale is a leafy green vegetable that is underrated. We want to change that! Honeybees pollinate kale, and they love it. Because of its tolerance to pests, kale is easy to grow organically. When kale plants mature enough to go to seed, they produce small yellow flowers that are attractive to honeybees and other pollinators. While kale is an annual plant, leaving about a third of the plants to go to seed for the bees increases garden pollination and increases the chances of reseeding. Kale plants grow even in winter in mild climates.

Field of kale growing in autumn

Oh, the many wonders of kale.

A reliable, hardy, and easy plant, you can count on kale as a productive member of the garden to make an appearance in both Spring and make a second appearance in the garden in late summer when replanted. Kale is one of the most nutrient-filled natural foods on the planet. It's jammed-packed with vitamins and nutrients. With more vitamin C than an orange and enough vitamin K to last a week, it's an easy-to-make superfood that's as good for you to eat as it is for your skin. Kale is also a great source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and antioxidants. It is heart-healthy to boot, with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Decorative kale in the field

Purple kale is beautiful in landscape decoration.

Part of the cabbage family, kale is considered to be closer to wild cabbage. Kale is typically grown for its edible leaves, although some kale varieties are used for ornamental landscaping. Kale plants have green or purple leaves; the central leaves do not form a head, as with cabbage.

Such an exciting plant, kale not only comes in a variety of greens and purples, but it also offers a variety of textures from curly-leaf to bumpy leafy, flat-leaf, and feathery-type leaf and ornamental leaf.

Try these recipes in honor of National Kale Day.

Kale first appeared in food in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. One of the most spectacular aspects of this leafy green is how easy it is to add to your diet. Add it to your morning smoothie, and you won't notice it's there, but your body will thank you.

Want to add some depth to a vegetable medley stir-fry? Remove a few kale leaves from the rib and toss them in. However you decide to add this fantastic green to your diet, you'll be much better off for it.

These crunchy, addictive kale chips will have your whole family begging for more kale. They are wonderful served alongside sandwiches, on their own or as a side to dinner.

Kale Chips

This Kale Chips recipe features nutritional yeast instead of cheese for a vegan delight rich in fiber, iron, and all the beneficial properties found within kale. Not every kale chip is this tasty and healthy. I have added these chips to regular stir fry, soup, and salads to make it a little more interesting.

kale chips on silver tray with sauce

Kale Salad

This particular Kale Salad is made with quick pickled onions. It can be served as a starter to a meal or as a meal all on its own. Perfect for a summer picnic. What makes this salad most memorable for me is making it after foraging in my best friend's garden. Nothing is more delicious than fresh-picked baby kale leaves out of the organic garden. Customize with your favorite salad toppings!

This kale salad eats like a meal. You will be surprised at how satisfying this simple salad is.

Thai Shrimp Stew with Kale

This Thai Shrimp Stew with Kale is a healthy and satisfying dish rich in nutrients and healthy fats. Guilt-free and oh so satisfying. Don't let the look or sound of this recipe discourage you from trying it out. It's straightforward to make, and it will impress your entire family! If you are not a fan of shellfish, no sweat; try this recipe with chicken or tofu. However, if you decide to prepare and serve this kale dish, it's bound to be delicious.

Green Smoothie Made With Kale

Adding a few pieces of organic kale to your morning green smoothie improves the day. Just make sure to add the leafy bits and not the tough stem (rib) found within the center of the leaf. Your taste buds won't notice that it's in there, and you benefit from all these added vitamins and nutrients from raw kale.

We love seeing your photos! We hope this kale recipe roundup inspires you to work the nutrient-rich leafy green into your weekly diet! If you decide to try any of these recipes, take a snapshot and share them with us using #beeinspired on Instagram.

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara