Apple Honey Cake

Apple Honey Cake

Apples and honey every September. It's the Jewish New Year again, and I am back in the kitchen experimenting with recipes. I already shared Aunt Jane's Apple Cake. This year's Apple Honey Cake was not overly difficult to make, but the dough is wet and dense. If you are going tall (think angel food tin), put your oven rack in the lowest position before you forget. When you fill your cake pan, leave space at the top to allow for growth, at least an inch and a half. Don't over-fill your pan. You will likely need to tent the top, so the apples don't catch, and the top of the cake doesn't burn. I have not experimented yet with gluten-free flour with this cake, but I want to share my progress as I make it. Honey in baking requires attention to detail but after a few tries with different honey recipes, you get the hang of it.

apple honey cake on cow plate with fork on wicker placemat with 2 apples a napkin and raw honey in hive container

Ever wonder about the symbolism of apples and honey for the Jewish new year?

Adapting our Apple Honey Cake

This recipe is not perfect until you’ve added your touch to it. That’s why we encourage you to play with your food. Call your inner chef to come out and play and change up this recipe. Here are some ideas–

  • Try this cake with chocolate chips instead of apples; sprinkle in the middle and on top of the cake.
  • Skip the apples and top the cake with sliced almonds.
  • Make this batter and pour cupcakes topped with apples.

Notes: I made this in a 7-inch angel food cake pan. It would have done better in a 9" angel food pan. Regardless of the pan you choose, place the cake onto two stacked sturdy baking tins before setting it into the oven. You can also make this cake in a bundt cake pan, a 9x13x2-inch sheet pan, or in loaf pans. The less tall you make this, the less time will be needed for baking.


Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara