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Rosh Hashanah and Honey

Rosh Hashanah and Honey

Rosh Hashanah is the celebration of the Jewish New Year. It’s a joyous holiday filled with tradition and is a time to reflect on the previous year and clear the slate for the sweet year ahead. The family gathers around the table to share history, prayer, and a great meal together.

honey and apple spread for rosh hashanah

As a beekeeper, the new year is extra special as bee honey is the star of the holiday, and it’s customary to wish your friends and family a “Sweet New Year.” Plus, this time of year is when we begin preparing our bees for winter.

Every year, I make my special Rosh Hashanah honey cake recipe, full of apples and honey, to celebrate. Both foods are very symbolic in the Jewish faith, so it’s important that both make their way to my table.

Honey holds a special place in Jewish tradition and is often associated with blessings, abundance, and sweetness. It is mentioned numerous times in the Hebrew Bible as a symbol of prosperity and goodness.

To begin the celebratory meal, we dip apples into honey and wish each other sweet new beginnings. The apple represents the Garden of Eden, and honey represents the sweetness of life. Rosh Hashanah apples and honey symbolize the good luck and love we want to come in the new year.

Best Honey Cake Recipes

Tupelo honey next to honeycomb

For a sweet, fruity, velvety taste, we recommend baking with our Tupelo Honey

Although Rosh Hashanah apples and honey are certainly an important part of the holiday, honey cake is another traditional dish that we enjoy to usher in a sweet and fruitful year ahead. It’s a time of reflection, introspection, and prayer, and it’s customary to eat foods that carry symbolic significance.

Using kosher honey, certified by a reputable organization like the Orthodox Union, is important in traditional Rosh Hashanah recipes to symbolize sweetness for the New Year.

The round shape of the honey cake is also important. It represents the cyclical nature of the year and the desire for continuous blessings and good fortune, and reminds us of the eternal and unending nature of time. Now, I will say that this idea is argued endlessly amongst scholars. There are different reasons for the shape according to different people, but I like the idea of it encouraging blessings.

Here are some Rosh Hashanah recipes to try at home:

apple cake on a table next to apples

What is the Significance of the Beekeeper and Rosh Hashanah?

The beekeeper holds symbolic significance in the context of Rosh Hashanah. While the two aren’t explicitly linked, there are some interpretations and connections that can be drawn.

  • Honey as a symbol: Bees and honey have deep-rooted symbolism in Jewish culture.

  • Connection to Jewish values: Beekeeping aligns with Jewish values and teaching related to environmental stewardship, sustainability, and ethical practices. Beekeepers cultivate a sustainable ecosystem that allows bees to thrive, multiply, create community and produce honey. Historically, honey has been a significant sweetener in Jewish communities, especially during Rosh Hashanah and the times of the Israelites.

  • Hard work and diligence: Beekeeping requires dedication, patience, and hard work. The effort put forth by beekeepers serves as a reminder of the importance of personal growth and reflection during this holiday season.

  • Tikkun Olam: In Jewish tradition, there is a concept called Tikkun Olam, which means “repairing the world.” It emphasizes our responsibility to make the world a better place through acts of kindness. Beekeepers actively contribute to the balance and well-being of the natural world.

sunflower honey on sunflowers

We recommend drizzling our Sunflower Honey on top of your baked goods!

The work of beekeepers can serve as a metaphor for the aspirations and ideals that people strive for during the season of Rosh Hashanah.

As I celebrate my eleventh year as a beekeeper, I’ve grown to love and appreciate the beauty of honey and the rhythm of our honeybees in our apiary.

In addition to celebrating with Rosh Hashanah apples and honey, we dip challah in honey with the hope of a sweet new year. The problem with this is that most families don’t know that they’re not actually serving their loved ones honey as grocery store honey tends to be full of corn syrup. Your best bet is to grab a gift of honey from your local beekeeper for Rosh Hashanah.

Consider supporting your local beekeepers in this new year and sharing honey that is as raw and real as the bees intended. Not only are you doing good for the local economy, but you’re providing a pure source of joy for your family and friends.

What is the Tradition of Dipping Apples and Honey on Rosh Hashanah?

The tradition of eating an apple dipped in honey on Rosh Hashanah is a well-known and cherished practice among Jewish people. It’s done to symbolize the desire for a sweet and fruitful year ahead.

It is also traditional to eat apples during Rosh Hashanah as part of invoking blessings for a sweet New Year.

Honey, as mentioned earlier, carries symbolic significance in Judaism as a symbol of blessings, abundance, and sweetness. By dipping the apple in honey, we express our wishes for a sweet and prosperous year. The blessing said over the apples and honey praises the Eternal God and asks for a good and sweet year.

After you’ve served a plate of honey and apples to begin the meal, enjoy my Rosh Hashanah honey cake recipe for dessert for a traditional spread. If you're looking for different kinds of Rosh Hashanah dessert recipes, we have other options as well from classic to modern.

Wildflower honey drizzled over bread

Our Wildflower Honey tastes delicious with apples and challah!

What is Tashlich?

The Jewish New Year is a holiday is filled with traditions that date back thousands of years. One of the very meaningful practices associated with Rosh Hashanah is Tashlich, a ceremony that symbolically casts away sins. My family and I go to the Chester River and cast away our sins by tossing challah bread into the water.

This ceremony inspires us to remember our actions, right our wrongs, and refocus ourselves for the New Year. While the bread is merely a symbol of our sins, it was greatly enjoyed by the local flock of seagulls passing by.

Is Honey a Good Gift for Rosh Hashanah?

Yes! Honey is traditionally considered a thoughtful and meaningful gift for Rosh Hashanah. Giving honey as a gift during this holiday is a gesture that symbolizes the desire for a sweet and prosperous year ahead.

It is also a minhag, or custom, to eat honey and apples during Rosh Hashanah, symbolizing the hope for a sweet new year.


Honey party favor on white

Get Honey Party Favors Baker's Dozen for convenient Rosh Hashanah gifts!

Celebrate the New Year With Honey

Rosh Hashanah is not only a time of celebration, reflection, and gratitude, but also a profound acknowledgment of the significance of honey. This golden nectar weaves its way into numerous traditions, infusing them with its sweetness and symbolism. Honey symbolizes the hope and excitement for a sweet New Year and the sweetness that is hoped for in the coming year.

In Jewish tradition, apple skins hold historical significance. In medieval times, people would carve prayers into the apple skins before eating them, as noted in a Lexicon of Jewish Cooking.

The act of dipping apples in honey becomes a powerful gesture, bringing about a year of prosperity and plenty. And as the celebratory meal comes to a close, the indulgence in honey cakes leaves a lingering taste of joy and anticipation for the future.

Through these age-old customs, Rosh Hashanah reminds us to embrace the sweetness of life and to approach the coming year with hope and optimism.

This new year, remember to bee happy, and bee sweet.

Tower of different honey jars in front of apples

Our Favorite Rosh Hashanah Recipes

Want a complete meal plan including a shopping list and recipes? Try these Rosh Hashanah Dinner Ideas. And check out our blog for sweet recipes all year long.

Rosh Hashanah Press Features

bread, honey, and apple slices on a wooden cutting board that says "Sweet New Year" and "Seriously Gluten Free"

Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara