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Honey Herb Marinated Rib Roast

Honey Herb Marinated Rib Roast

I just made this honey herb-marinated Rib Roast for the whole family and it was delicious. I followed the cooking instructions featured on the Today Show. I am glad our oven has one of those built-in thermometers because it reached our desired temperature about an hour and a half ahead of schedule. If you follow these cooking instructions, be sure to monitor your meat. The roast, despite being done early, was delicious. I wrapped it in foil; believe it or not, it was still warm at dinnertime. Phew. This was a huge 7-rib roast. We have big eaters. The average size rib roast is more like three ribs.

Honey Herb and Garlic Marinated Rib Roast in the oven

How to Make Herb Marinated Rib Roast

  • Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl
  • Whisk until emulsified
  • Rinse and dry roast and cover with marinade
  • Bring roast to room temperature (could take a few hours)

Everyone enjoyed this rib roast marinated in honey and herbs. The honey helped to bring up the beautiful color as the meat roasted. In any case, this size roast was enough for 13 people. However, there were only 10 guests, and one didn't eat meat. I served this dinner with Honey Mustard Roasted Carrots, which went very nicely together.

Honey Herb and Garlic Marinated Rib Roast the after show

Adapting this Marinated Rib Roast

A recipe is not truly perfect until you’ve added your touch to it. We encourage you to Bee Inspired in every aspect of your life. Let your inner chef come out. Play with your food and change up this recipe. Here are some ideas:

  • Use your favorite rub with honey, olive oil, and fresh chopped garlic, and emulsify with a whisk before pouring over the roast.
  • Try making this rib on the grill, on very low heat, and be sure to monitor your internal temperature
  • Try this marinade on fish or chicken and enjoy it every bit as much
  • Follow the cooking instructions, but watch your temperature, it may take much less time.

Feeds up to 4 people for a small roast and 10 for a large roast.


Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara