Discover the Surprising Benefits of Growing Aloe Vera: Learn to Cultivate the Ultimate Easy-to-Care-For Plant!
Aloe Vera is a stunning and versatile accent plant that offers far more than just vibrant green leaves. With cosmetic and nutritional benefits, as well as healing properties, aloe barbadensis has been used historically by ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese. Aloe barbadensis miller, commonly known as aloe vera, features thick, fleshy leaves and thrives in well-drained soil and sunny conditions. Don’t let overwatering and pests discourage you! Our expert guidance will help make growing Aloe Vera easy and rewarding—whether you’re an indoor or outdoor gardener. Join our community of green thumbs and explore all the ways that this amazing succulent can benefit you!
Growing aloe vera in your home
Looking to spruce up your home with a touch of nature? Enter aloe vera! This beloved houseplant can be found at most garden stores and markets, and adapts to almost any sunny spot indoors - perfect for small pots. Don’t miss out on the beauty and dimension aloe vera can bring to your personal space. The best part? Growing aloe vera is easy-peasy! Even if you’re not a natural green thumb, you can still enjoy the pleasures of plant-parenthood. All you’ll need is:
A sunny spot, but avoid too much direct sunlight as it can dry out the plant and turn its fleshy leaves yellow
Potting soil that drains well
A terracotta pot
And of course, aloe plant!
For optimal aloe vera plant care, ensure you water the plant sparingly and place it in a location with bright, indirect sunlight.
Discover the secrets to healthy aloe plants: Give them well-draining soil, warmth, and lots of sunshine!
For a healthy potted aloe plant, use soil specifically formulated for cacti and succulents to ensure proper drainage. If you can’t find it in-store, try adding perlite to regular potting soil as an alternative. Choosing a terra cotta pot and adding gravel or broken pottery pieces to the bottom will also help prevent root rot from excess water. A terra-cotta pot will also enable the water to drain easily. Since terra cotta is a porous material, it does not retain excess water. Following these steps prevent the aloe roots from rotting due to an excessive amount of moisture.
Aloe vera needs very little to no fertilizer. For indoor plants, consider using succulent fertilizer in early spring. Alternatively, a liquid 10-40-10 houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength can be used for an annual feeding.
Healthy aloe plants need lots of sun! Keep your potted plant on a sunny windowsill or patio to promote growth and prevent wilting. Plus, the sun helps evaporate excess water and prevent rot. If you’re moving your aloe vera to a sunnier spot, be sure to do it gradually to prevent leaf burn.
Divide and conquer
Given the right conditions, aloe vera can grow rapidly. This can be a good thing, and you’ll have a few little aloe plants to share with friends. An adult aloe plant, known as the mother plant, will produce “pups” along its basal stem. You can break these away and replant them to divide your colony. To propagate aloe vera, simply replant the offsets that develop at the base of the mother plant.
Tips for Dividing and Propagating Aloe Vera
If you plan to divide an aloe plant, there are a few key steps to follow for successful propagation. First, it is important to use a mature leaf for harvesting aloe vera gel, as mature leaves contain more gel and are suitable for extracting the soothing and healing properties of aloe vera for various uses such as treating burns. Remove the “pups” or baby plants from the main plant, and let them dry out in a warm, well-ventilated space. This will prevent the stem from rotting in the soil. Once calloused, you can replant the pups in cactus soil and keep them in a warm, sunny location. Avoid watering for the first week to prevent decay, and with favorable weather, you’ll see the pups grow quickly into full-fledged plants within a few months.

Aloe vera isn't the only natural substance that has benefits - honey has healing properties too! Our Original Honey Body Scrub is perfect for honey skincare.
Troubleshooting Common Problems with Growing Aloe Vera - Identifying pests or diseases present in your aloe vera plants
When it comes to growing aloe vera, identifying pests or diseases is an important step in maintaining a healthy plant. Bending and breaking of aloe leaves can signal inadequate light, which is a common problem. Aphids and mites are common pests that can wreak havoc on your aloe vera plant. But they’re not the only ones. Other insects, like mealybugs and spider mites, as well as diseases like leaf rot, can also affect your plant.
Additionally, using aloe vera gel from aloe leaves can help treat skin irritations.
To identify pests on your aloe vera, it's important to know what to look for.
Aphids are small, pear-shaped insects that come in a variety of colors, including green, black, and yellow. They tend to cluster on new growth or the undersides of leaves, and can cause stunted growth and deformed leaves. Mites, on the other hand, are tiny and difficult to see with the naked eye. They often spin webs on the plant and feed on the sap, causing yellowing or browning of the leaves. Mealybugs are similar to aphids in appearance but have a white, cottony appearance. They can cause stunted growth and yellowing of the leaves. Spider mites are also small and difficult to see, but they often leave behind small white or yellow speckles on the leaves.
In addition to pests, aloe vera plants can also be susceptible to diseases like leaf rot. This is caused by overwatering or poor drainage and can result in black spots on the leaves, as well as a foul odor.
If you suspect your aloe vera plant is affected by pests or disease, it's important to take action quickly to prevent further damage. Keep your aloe vera plants healthy and pest-free with these simple steps:
1. Check each plant for pests by inspecting the leaves and crown with a magnifying glass. Discard any plants with extensive scar tissue caused by mites.
2. Wash the plant thoroughly with warm, soapy water and remove any black mildew.
3. For larger plants or tough infestations, apply horticultural oil. Test for sensitivity first, then apply outdoors when it's below 90°F and rinse two to three hours later.
With proper care and attention, your aloe vera plant can thrive and provide you with the healing benefits of its succulent leaves.
Do bees pollinate Aloe Vera?
Most Aloe species have bold orange-red flowers that birds tend to love. But did you know that a few Aloe species have short-tubed whitish or cream flowers and are pollinated by honeybees? In this study, they have uncovered the exclusive insect-pollination of two short-tubed Aloe species, Aloe minima and A. linearifolia, found in the grasslands of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Bee species were the only visitors observed to pollinate these two aloes, despite the presence of sunbirds in the area. Amazingly, even a single visit by a bee was enough for successful fertilization. Bird-excluded treatments had little impact on seed set, indicating that these two Aloe species have highly effective bee pollinators.
Soothe and Reduce Skin Irritation with Aloe Vera Gel!
Aloe vera’s thick gel from its leaves is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can reduce redness and irritation caused by dry skin and sunburns. For maximum soothing benefits, refrigerate the gel, as recommended by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. However, be sure to conduct a patch test beforehand if you’re a first-time user, as some people might be allergic to aloe.
To care for aloe vera, ensure it is planted in well-draining soil and receives plenty of sunlight. Aloe vera is known for its medicinal uses and is a low-maintenance plant, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced gardeners.
Explore an unconventional gardening experience with growing aloe vera.
Perhaps the best part is that aloe vera plants are very resilient and easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for new gardeners who may be uncertain about their ability to maintain living plants. With its interesting leaf structure and medicinal properties, growing aloe vera can be a satisfyingly rewarding experience.
Whether you're looking for something to fill space in your landscape or a plant that has many practical uses, aloe vera should be at the top of your hit list. There's no dearth of learning opportunities when it comes to this hardy plant species—from propagating new plants from offsets, to harvesting the gel for personal use, or even simply being captivated by the aesthetics of its geometric foliage. If you seek out the challenge of growing aloe vera in your garden, you won't be disappointed—so why not give it a try? The only thing you have left to do is get started; go ahead and grow aloe vera!