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Celebrate National Blueberry Month

Celebrate National Blueberry Month

At the start of every July, foodies from all over the country come together to celebrate National Blueberry Month! Summertime is all about delicious fresh-picked blueberries -- juicy, sweet, and bursting with flavor. Perfect for adding to muffins, pies or just eaten on their own as a snacks. Not only are these nutrient-rich berries packed full of antioxidants but they can also be used in a variety of dishes – there's something for everyone whether you’re looking for healthy meals or indulgent treats! So join us this July in celebrating National Blueberry Month – and getting your hands on some local ones makes sure that these sweet little berries don't go unnoticed.

Experience the Delightful Taste of Our Blueberry Honey: Crafted on the Beautiful Eastern Shore of New Jersey.

As we celebrate National Blueberry Month, indulge in the sensory delight of this light to medium amber honey that perfectly captures the essence of our high bush blueberry crops. This sweet and buttery honey offers a subtle hint of berry, with no artificial additives or flavorings. Every delicious drop is a testament to the hard work of our honeybees, as they gather nectar from blueberry blossoms to create this unique and flavorful honey. We love blueberries and use them regularly in various recipes, including our fan-favorite blueberry jam. Elevate your dishes with the irresistible flavor and dimension that our Blueberry Blossom Honey brings.

Blueberry Honey Lollipops are a deliciously sweet way to eat blueberries!

Our product also features the sweetness and nutritional benefits of wild blueberries, making a luscious and healthy Homemade Blueberry Honey Jam from scratch. Join our community in savoring this tasty gift from nature.

Blueberries are a crop that benefits from the bee's help with pollination.

Increased berry production is a result of the bees buzzing around the bushes. Bees gather the nectar from the blueberry bush that helps create this distinct honey. The fruit output increases up to 1000 pounds per acre when the mighty honeybee is on-hand to help. If you are interested in planting blueberry bushes, there are many resources to browse to learn more about optimum growing conditions.

Compared to other berries, blueberries are often sweeter and offer unique health benefits, making them a superior choice for both fresh consumption and recipes like Blueberry Jam without added sugar.

blueberries in the field at chesterhaven beach farm

Celebrate National Blueberry Month with one of these simple, delicious ways to eat blueberries and honey.

Enjoy your morning cup of coffee with a bowl of Power Porridge topped with blueberries to start the day off right.

Prep time for the Power Porridge recipe is just 10 minutes.

power porridge in a bowl topped with berries next to a jar of blueberry honey

July is National Blueberry Month, so we are turning the spotlight on our Blueberry Honey.

This Blueberry Smoothie will start your day with a healthy dose of antioxidants. If you enjoy all kinds of berries, you need to try it with our Mixed Berry Honey.

When making a cheese plate with blueberry honey, you should add a nice bowl of fresh berries to your display. Everything works together like a symphony. Feed the senses by creating an artful presentation.

Bee Inspired Blueberry Honey with blue cheese

We love everything blueberry, and these honey blueberry muffins are hardly an exception. Try your hand and making these muffins fresh and surprise your family. Heat the blueberry and honey mixture in a pan until it becomes a rich purple color.

Here's an idea serve: these muffins with our black and blue jam. This jam is very low in sugar, and one of the things that I love about it is mid-January when I crack open a jar of this jam, it fills my spirit with summer. I serve it on crusty toast and ice cream, among many other things!

Grill fresh peaches, add blue or gorgonzola cheese to the center, top with a little balsamic vinegar and blueberry honey, and serve with toasted walnuts for a luscious summer dessert.

An oh-so-delicious pre-dinner/appetizer favorite is to spread goat cheese crostini and add a drizzle of blueberry honey. To up the yum factor, nestle some fresh blueberries into the goat cheese.

goat cheese crostini

Do you have a favorite way to eat blueberries?

Top your fresh garden salad with grilled chicken, then whisk together olive oil, blueberry honey, fresh lemon, salt, and pepper for a tasty honey lemon vinaigrette. I have been adding fresh blueberries to my salads; try it; you'll love it!

You can also enjoy the blueberry honey sauce directly with a spoon, savoring its deliciousness and versatility.

This Turkey Burger is WOW with Blueberry Ketchup that will be kept in the fridge for the month.

If you prefer a bit more of a 'bite,' try this Blueberry BBQ Sauce.

It's so fun to make. I love it when the blueberries start to pop. You can serve it on your favorite fresh grilled fish or grilled chicken breast. Bring the blueberry mixture to a low boil until it becomes a rich purple color.

honey grilled chicken salad

These honey berry popsicles are easy to make with fresh berries and honey and are a delicious and refreshing afternoon treat. Or, combine blueberries, honey, and lemon juice in a pan, mash the blueberries, and blend the blueberry mixture with butter to create a spread for various baked goods.

This Blueberry Ice Cream made with honey is a hit at any party. It's dairy-free, but your guests don't have to know. Be sure to thaw out about 30 minutes in advance since no food-grade anti-freeze is included in this recipe.

July is the hottest and sweetest of months: National Blueberry Month! This year we challenge you to gather up your friends, family, or anyone in between who appreciates a good berry to join in on all that these tiny delights have to offer.

Celebrate with some blueberry-filled birthday cakes or an oh-so delightful Bumbleberry Pie.

bumbleberry pie on a wooden table

Or why not try something a bit more adventurous such as blueberry-infused cocktails? Whether it’s eaten straight off the bush, added to cakes or salads, or baked into scones, take this opportunity to enjoy and savor each deep purple bite. So satisfy your cravings for sweet natural goodness, step outside your comfort zone of culinary experimentation and open yourself up to the delicious possibilities that National Blueberry Month provides us with.

Blueberry Honey Lollipops are a perfect way to celebrate national blueberry month.

And don’t forget – once you're done cooking, baking and experimenting share your delicious masterpieces with us! If you decide to try making this recipe, share a snapshot with us using #beeinspired on Instagram so we can show appreciation for everyone’s creative culinary endeavors! Let's get celebrating and fill our bellies with some healthy sweetness!

Follow us on Instagram and use the hashtag #blueberryhoney for a chance to win a bottle of our blueberry honey!


Kara holding a hive frame in doorway of cabin

About the Author

Kara waxes about the bees, creates and tests recipes with her friend Joyce, and does her best to share what she’s learning about the bees, honey, ingredients we use and more. Read more about Kara